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  Tybee X Talahi

Updated: 11/12/2020

Litter Announcement:
Tybee X Talahi
Location: Georgia

Puppies are currently 247 weeks old


Litter was WHELPED on: 5/11/2020 Contact information
Owner: Dan Reel
*Price: Please call for Prices OR see below Phone: 912-622-1719
*Please note: some litter owners may have different Email: Esylivin@comcast.net
prices based on color or sex, please read below Website:http://www.huntingboykinpedigree.com/pedigree.asp?id=2

Other Information about litter:
All clear Boykin litter, Hips Excellent X Good.

Tybee is the son of GRHRCH UH Saint Thomas Chief MHR MH BSS OCH 10, 14, only the second Boykin to obtain the Grand title and the first to obtain AKC Master Hunter and Master National Qualifier. Tybee's grandsire, Mule, was the first Boykin to obtain the Grand Title. He is also the only male Boykin to have champion titles in both the field as well as the bench.

Talahi has 108 National Champions in her pedigree including 19 BSS Open Champions. This is a very exciting litter.


Pedigree:    NEW: View 5 Generation Pedigree
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Tybee X Talahi HRCH CH St. Thomas Justanislandboy MHR CGC
Hips: BY-2008G24M-PI (GOOD)
Elbows: BY-EL122M24-PI (NORMAL)
Eyes: BYS-373400 (CLEAR)
Patella: BY-PA120/27M/P-PI (NORMAL)
Heart: BY-CA696/17M/C-PI (NORMAL)
CEA: Clear
DM: Clear
GRHRCH UH Saint Thomas Chief MH MHR OCH10, 14
Elbows: BY-EL64M41-VPI
Eyes: BYS-782
Heart: BY-CA247/12M/C-VPI
DM: BY-DM377/52M-PI
EIC: Clear
Sand Creek Scooby
Sand Creek Dixie
Hips: BY-1446E24F-PI (EXCELLENT)
Eyes: BYS-862 (CLEAR)
Heart: BY-CA352/24F/P-PI (NORMAL)
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)

Heart: BY-CA76/37M/S-NOPI (NORMAL)
HR Just Ducky's Miss Edgefield
Hips: BY-1078G25F-PI (GOOD)
Heart: BY-CA211 (NORMAL)
HR Saint Thomas Thornhills Island Girl
Hips: BY-2829E24F-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE647/1F-PI
HRCH UH Just Ducky's Chocolate Martini MH
Hips: BY-2181G
Patella: BY-PA188
Heart: BY-CA838
Eyes: BY-EYE115
HRCH UH Master Maximus Of The Cooper MH SHR NCH10 UICH14
Hips: BY-1523G27M-VPI (GOOD)
PennHip: DI-R .55 DI-L .60
Elbows: BY-EL59M27-VPI (NORMAL)
Patella: BY-PA240/88M/P-VPI (NORMAL
Heart: BY-CA335/19M/P-VPI (NORMAL)
Eyes: BYS-897 (CLEAR)
SHR Just Ducky's Scotch'n Soda
Hips: BY-1662Gesid
Heart: BY-CA485
Eyes: BYS-1056
Mitchell's Junebug At Thornhill
Hips: BY-2392G25F-NOPI
Elbows: BY-EL270F25-NOPI
Patella: BY-PA296/25F/P-NOPI
Heart: BY-CA1026/25F/P-NOPI
Eyes: BY-EYE173/14F-NOPI
HRCH Mitchell's Mighty Maxamillion PCH10
Hips: BY-1796G25M-VPI
Heart: BY-CA569/24M/S-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-1016N/2010-10
EIC: 51073 Clear
SHR Mitchell's Chief Santee Princess
Hips: BY-2027F25F-VPI
Heart: BY-CA718/29F/C-VPI
Eyes: BYS-379569

Sire Picture: Dam Picture
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